

The American Chiropractic Assn

Chiropractic treatments for back pain - Steven G. Yeomans, DC. A feature (use menu points on left side)

National Directory of Chiropractic - Listing of Chiropractors and information on education and the profession

Foundation For Chiropractic Research- Excellent Source of Information Regarding Chiropractic

Spine Health Website

Dr. Mercola's Health and Nutrition Articles

Spinal Research Institute of San Diego - Excellent Resource of Information Regarding Whiplash and Spinal Injuries

Dr Leonards.Com - This is an On-Line Store That I commonly Recommend to Patients to Buy Over the Counter Box Orthotics. The Walk Fit Orthotic is a Good Way to Temporarily Bridge the Time Gap Before Getting Custom Orthotics.


Dr. Michael Guess DDS, Orthodontist

Dr. Edward Cremata DC- Friend With Great Information at His Site